Session Laws of the Territory of Arizona, 1889


Session Laws of the Territory of Arizona, 1889
Acts, Resolutions and Memorials of the Fifteenth Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona : Session begun on the twenty-first day of January, A. D. 1889


Session laws--Arizona


ORDER OF ACTS -- 1. To locate the Capital of the Territory permanently at the City of Phoenix, in the County of Maricopa -- 2. Defining certain offenses against the public peace -- 3. To amend Paragraph 776 of the Revised Statutes -- 4. To amend Paragraph 1607 of the Revised Statutes -- 5. Amendatory of Section 973 of the Penal Code -- 6. To provide for marking the graves of pauper dead -- 7. To amend Paragraph 1602, the same being Section 2, of Chapter 5, Title XXI, entitled "Elections," of the Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1887 -- 8. To provide against conflagrations in towns and villages -- 9. To provide sanitary regulations for towns and villages -- 10. To establish liens for wagons -- 11. Providing for the sale of certain real estate in the City of Prescott belonging to the Territory -- 12. Concerning the transaction of judicial business on legal holidays -- 13. Defining and punishing certain offenses against the public peace -- 14. To amend Paragraph 492, Revised Statutes -- 15. To provide for the payment of Boards of Supervisors of Counties within the Territory of Arizona -- 16. To amend Paragraph 169, Title 7, Penal Code of the Territory of Arizona -- 17. To amend Chapters 4 and 5, Title XXI, entitled "Elections" of the Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1887 -- 18. To encourage the sinking of artesian wells -- 19. To provide a lien on stock for the charges of pasturing and feeding the same by farmers, ranchmen and others -- 20. Repealing Chapter 1, Title 26, of the Revised Statutes, of the Territory of Arizona, approved March 1st, 1887, entitles "Executions," and substituting this Act to take the place of the same -- 21. To regulate lawful fences and tresspass within the same -- 22. To amend Paragraph 457, being, section 4, Chapter 3, Title XIII, Revised Statutes of Arizona -- 23. Relating to judgments and to provide for the entry thereof without suits upon bonds or notes -- 24. To detach certain lands from the County of Yavapai and annex the same to the County of Gila -- 25. To reimburse C. A. Luke for expenses incurred by him in representing the Territory of Arizona at the Vienna Exposition in 1873 -- 26. To amend an Act entitled an Act to establish a Territorial Normal school -- 27. To amend Section 97, of Chapter 9, Title LVI, of the Revised Statutes of Arizona -- 28. To encourage the construction of railroads to the Grand Canyon of the
Colorado -- 29. To provide for the expenses of shipping the Territorial Library and other property of the Territory from Prescott to Phoenix -- 30. To amend Paragraphs 2689 and 2663, of the Revised Statutes of Arizona Territory -- 31. To amend Paragraph 2647, Section 21 Chapter 3, Title LVI, Revised Statutes, "Relative to the Taxation of Water Ditches" -- 32. To amend Section 2691, of the Revised Statutes of Arizona of 1887 -- 33. In relation to the qualifications of persons elected or appointed to office -- 34. Defining the rights of parties owning private or lateral ditches -- 35. To amend Section 1860, Penal Code -- 36. To prevent trespassing and provide a penalty therefor -- 37. To amend Paragraphs 2743, Section 8; 2744, Section 9; 2745, Section 10; 2747, Section 12; Chapter 1, Title LVII, of the Revised Statutes, relative to roads and highways -- 38. To defray the expenses of removing the Records of the Supreme Court of the
Territory of Arizona from Prescott to Phoenix -- 39. To prohibit the Boards of Supervisors of the several Counties of the Territory from allowing illegal demands and claims and to provide for the punishment for a violation thereof -- 40. For the relief of Winslow School District No. 20, of Apache County -- 41. To prescribe additional duties to the Board of Supervisors -- 42. Empowering the Boards of Supervisors of the several Counties in the Territory to authorize a survey to define the boundaries and make correct maps of the said several Counties -- 43. To define and fix the qualifications of officers, employees and servants of public institutions of the Territory of Arizona -- 44. To amend Paragraph 417, Section 37, Chapter 2, Title XIII, of the Revised Statutes of Arizona -- 45. Relating to salary and expenses of the Live Stock Sanitary Commission -- 46. To obtain a Capitol site and to provide for its improvement -- 47. To amend Paragraphs 460 and 467, being Sections 7 and 14, of Chapter 3, Title XIII, entitled "Counties," Revised Statutes of Arizona, and to fix the compensation of Treasurers and Ex-officio Tax Collectors -- 48. To provide for the protection of fences -- 49. Amending Chapter 2, Title XLIII, Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1887 -- 50. To prohibit persons holding shares of stock of incorporated companies as security for moneys loaned thereon, or as security for other indebtedness,
from voting at any election, general or special, of such incorporated companies -- 51. To amend Section 3002, Chapter 12, Title LX, ReviSed Statutes of Arizona, and entitled Territorial Geologist -- 52. Relating to marriages and repealing Paragraphs 2088, 2089, 2090 and 2096, Revised Statutes -- 53. To amend Paragraph 1987, Section 24, Chapter 2. Title XXVIII, Revised Statutes -- 54. Providing for the reimbursement of certain persons for the payment of Live Stock Sanitary Fund Tax omitted to be levied and collected in certain Counties -- 55. To amend Paragraph 438, being Section 58, Chapter 2, Title XIII, Revised Statutes 1887 -- 56. To amend Paragraph 2009, Section 4, Title XXIX, Revised Statutes, relating to Forcible Entry and Detainer -- 57. To repeal Act No. 64, enitled "An Act Providing for the Construction and Manintenance of Public Roads and Highways in the County of Maricopa" -- 58. Pertaining to the duties and compensation of County Surveyors -- 59. To provide for the holding of a Convention for the purpose of framing a State Constitution to be submitted to the people for their approval or rejection -- 60. To amend Section 19, Chapter 1, Title LVII, Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1887 -- 61. To provide for the further erection and maintenance of the University of Arizona -- 62. Making appropriation for the current and contingent expenses of the Civil Government of the Territory of Arizona for the two years ending on the 31st day of December, A. D., 1890, and for other purposes -- 63. Making appropriation for the salary of the Librarian of the Territory of Arizona -- JOINT RESOLUTIONS -- 1. For the employment of additional Clerks -- 2. For committee to consider unrepealed and unprinted laws of the Fourteenth Legislature -- MEMORIALS -- 1. Protesting against any change or repeal of the Desert Land Law -- 2. Protesting against the return of the hostile Chiricahua Apaches from Florida -- 3. Asking for the restoration of Captain William Harper to his rank, pay and emoluments in the United States Army -- 4. Protecting against the exclusion of Arizona cattle by the California Legislature -- 5. Asking for a special appropriation for the relief of John D. Dobbs -- 6. Asking for permission to call a Constitution convention for the purpose of framing a Constitution to be submitted to the people for their adoption -- 7. Asking for the establishment of a military post near Gibson's Wells, Arizona -- 8. Asking for an appropriation to be used in improving the navigation of the Colorado river -- 9. Asking for an appropriation for the erection of a Capitol building and Supreme Court rooms -- 10. Asking for an appropriation for the construction of a dam across the Gila river -- 11. Memorializing Congress to enter into negotiation with the Republic of Mexico for the concession of sufficient territory to secure a deep-water port upon the Gulf of California -- 12. Memorializing the President to appoint Territorial officers from residents of the Territory -- 13. Memorializing the Secretary of the Interior for a modification of the ruling of his predecessor on the Desert Land Law -- 14. Asking for the establishment of a military barracks at Nogales -- 15. Memorializing the President for the expenditure of money set apart for agricultural purposes in Arizona




Digitized by: Daniel F. Cracchiolo Law Library, James E. Rogers College of Law, University of Arizona


[Prescott Courier Print.]




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Session Laws of Arizona Territory


119 p.









Arizona, “Session Laws of the Territory of Arizona, 1889,” Cracchiolo Law Library Digital Collections, accessed April 20, 2024,

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