Session Laws of the Territory of Arizona, 1907


Session Laws of the Territory of Arizona, 1907
Acts, Resolutions and Memorials of the Twenty-Fourth Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona : Session begun on the twenty-first day of January, A. D. 1907, Phoenix, Arizona


Session laws--Arizona


ORDER OF ACTS -- 1. An Act to prohibit gambling -- 2. An Act providing for postage for Legislative Assembly -- 3. An Act to amend Paragraph 878 (Sec. 118) R. S.

1901 -- 4. An Act to amend Paragraph 537, Chapter 13, Title 14, Part 1, Penal Code, Revised Statutes 1901, relating to cruelty to animals -- 5. An Act providing

for the appointment of a commission to select a proper site for the location of the Territorial Prison and the Territorial Industrial School -- 6. An Act

ratifying the disposals of lands by certain towns and cities in Arizona -- 7. An Act. to amend Paragraph 2631, Section 34, of the Revised Statutes of Arizona,

1901 -- 8. An Act making an appropriation for the payment of the salary and expenses of John H. Campbell as District Judge for the period from March 23, 1905,

to June 30, 1905 -- 9. An Act making an appropriation of $1,200 for the office expenses of the Territorial Auditor for the year ending June 30, 1907 -- 10. An

Act to revive Chapter 5 of Title 40 of the Revised Statutes of 1887 -- 11. An Act to amend Paragraph 678 of the Penal Code -- 12. An Act providing for the

protection of the life, health, and moral welfare of children -- 13. An Act to prevent women and minors from loitering in or frequenting saloons or places where

liquor is served or furnished -- 14. An Act to reimburse the Arizona Territorial Fair Commissioners for money advanced by them for the construction of buildings

for the use of the Arizona Territorial Fair -- 15. An Act entitled "An Act to Amend Paragraph 2638, Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1901" -- 16. An Act to prohibit

officers from carrying firearms while under the influence of liquor, and for other purposes -- 17. An Act authorizing the County of Gila to issue bonds for the
completion of the Court House and Jail -- 18. An Act to amend Paragraph 599, of Chapter 9, Title 11, of the Revised Statutes of the Territory of Arizona -- 19.

An Act to amend the procedure on taking bail -- 20. An Act to provide for the taxation of mines and mining claims and the ores or mineral products from the same

-- 21. An Act to amend Paragraph 2039 of the Revised Statutes of Arizona -- 22. An Act to amend Paragraph 3241, Section 11, of Title 47, Chapter LXVII of the

Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1901, entitled "Mines and Mining" -- 23. An Act to amend Sections 2 and 6 of Chapter 40, of the Twenty-third Legislative Assembly

of the Territory of Arizona, entitled "An Act to Create the Office of Public Examiner and Prescribe the Duties Thereof" -- 24. An Act providing for the issuance

of duplicate receipts by County Treasurers containing the counter signature of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors -- 25. An Act providing for the refusal and

revocation of any license for the sale of intoxicating liquors -- 26. An Act to amend Paragraph 509, Section 1, Title 11, Chapter 4, Revised Statutes of

Arizona, 1901, concerning extending corporate limits -- 27. An Act to increase the liquor tax upon retail liquor dealers -- 28. An Act to amend Sections 23, 24,

25, 26 and 27, Paragraphs 2620, 2621, 2622, 2623 and 2624, of Chapter 2, of Title 26, of the Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1901 -- 29. An Act to regulate the

practice of optometry and for the appointment of a Board of Examiners in the matter of said regulation -- 30. An Act assenting to the Congressional Act,

approved March 16, 1906, providing for the further endowment of Agricultural Experiment Stations; to provide for printing Experiment Station publications; and

to provide for maintenance and inspection of date palms at Tempe and Yuma, Arizona, etc -- 31. An Act to amend Section 1, Chapter 33, Session Laws, 1905 -- 32.

An Act for the protection of penal institutions, and inmates -- 33. An Act to fix the salary and to provide for the official expenses of the Attorney-General of

the Territory of Arizona -- 34. An Act to amend Paragraph 388, Section 57, of the Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1901 -- 35. An Act to amend Paragraph 2616 of the

Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1901, pertaining to salaries of Deputy Recorders -- 36. An Act to amend Chapter 6, Title 19, of the Code of Civil Procedure, and to

provide for the creation and rearrangement of school districts in certain cases -- 37. An Act to provide for the indeterminate sentence of persons convicted of

crimes -- 38. An Act relating to corporations -- 39. An Act to amend Paragraph 539, section 1, Chapter 9, of the Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1901 -- 40. An Act

to amend Paragraph 2600, Chapter 1, Title 26, of the Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1901 -- 41. An Act for the relief of Mrs. Aceana Tafolla -- 42. An Act

authorizing District Attorneys in second, third and fourth class counties to employ deputies -- 43. An Act to amend Section 1 of Title 69, being Paragraph 4068,
and Section 3 of Title 69, being Paragraph 4070, Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1901 -- 44. An Act to Amend Paragraph 2627, Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1901,

relating to salaries of the members of Boards of Supervisors -- 45. An Act to amend Paragraph 2613, Section 18, Chapter 2, Title 26, of the Revised Statutes of

Arizona, 1901 -- 46. An Act relating to misrepresentation made in obtaining or securing a policy of file insurance, and defense in case of suits based upon

misrepresentation in obtaining the same -- 47. An Act supplementary to Title 72 of the Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1901, entitled "Warehouses" -- 48. An Act to

amend Paragraphs 3741 (Sec. 9), 3748 (Sec. 16), 3755 (Sec. 23), 3756 (Sec. 24), and 3760 (Sec. 28), of the Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1901 -- 49. An Act

further amending Paragraphs 4209 and 4211 of Title 74 of the Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1901, as amended in Chapter 29 of the Session Laws of 1905 -- 50. An

Act to prohibit exhibitions of steer tying and steer tying contests within the Territory of Arizona -- 51. An Act providing for the distribution and

apportionment among the several counties entitled thereto, of moneys received from the United States as earnings from the Forest Reserves in Arizona, during the

fiscal year ending June 30, 1906, pursuant to an Act of Congress entitled "An Act Making Appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the Fiscal Year

Ending June 30, 1907," approved June 30, 1906 -- 52. An Act to amened Title 65 of the Revised Statutes of the Territory of Arizona, entitled "School Lands," and

for other purposes -- 53. An Act amending Paragraph 564 of the Revised Statutes of 1901 so as to allow Town Councils to levy a greater tax for the purpose of

constructing, repairing and improving streets, sewers, sidewalks and crosswalks, or bridges and culverts upon streets or sidewalks -- 54. An Act to amend

Section 12, Paragraph 3574, Chapter 11, of the Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1901 -- 55. An Act to amend Sections 3998, 3999, 4001, 4003, 4004, 4007 and 4008,

Chapter 3, Title 63, of the Revised Statutes of 1901, Territory of Arizona, relating to toll roads -- 56. An Act to provide for Mineral exhibits at the

Territorial Fair -- 57. An Act to amend Paragraph 2595, Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1901, entitled, "The following fees shall be allowed the clerks of the

District Courts in criminal cases" -- 58. An Act to provide for instruction in the commercial branches in the schools of Arizona -- 59. An Act to amend

Subdivision 6 of Paragraph 3834, Section 4, Chapter 2, of Title 62, Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1901 -- 60. An Act to amend Section 126, Paragraph 2256,

Revised Statutes of Arizona -- 61. An Act to provide for the compensation of Deputy Assessors -- 62. An Act to amend Paragraph 498 (Sec.1 ), and Paragraph 499
(Sec. 2), of the Revised Statutes of Arizona of 1901, relating to incorporated cities -- 63. An Act to amend Paragraph 2615, of the Revised Statutes of Arizona,

1901, pertaining to the salaries of County Recorders -- 64. An Act authorizing the construction and use of railroads, branch rAilroans and railroads spurs upon

toll roads -- 65. An Act to amend Paragraph 3127 (Sec. 4), and Paragraph 3175 (Sec. 4), of the Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1901, relating to the military code

of Arizona -- 66. An Act providing for the formation of special road districts -- 67. An Act to amend Paragraph 1054 (Sec. 127), Title 14, and Paragraphs 2144,

2149, 2155, 2157,2179, 2192,2194, 2206, 2211, 2231, 2238, 2240, 2246, 2256, 2258, 2260, 2264, and Chapter 5 of Title 19, -Education-of the Revised Statutes of

Arizona, 1901. Also, to amend Subdivisions third, fourth and sixth of Paragraph 2146 (Sec. 17), and Paragraph 2148 (Sec. 19), of Act No.89, of the Twenty-second

Legislative Assembly of Arizona, approved March 19, 1903 -- 68. An Act to amend Paragraph 921 (Sec. 161), Revised Statutes of Arizona of 1901, relating to

Building and Loan Companies -- 69. An Act authorizing the employment of deputies in offices of County Treasurers -- 70. An Act fur the sanitary protection of

sheep -- 71. An Act for the relief of D. J. Suillivan for expeuses of Deputy Assessors for the years 1903 and 1904 -- 72. An Act to establish a uniform system

of mine bell signals, to be used in all the mines operated in the Territory ot Arizona, and for the protection of miners -- 73. An Act to amend Paragraphs 1053,

2618 and 2619, Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1901, relating to Assessors -- 74. An Act to revise and correct the procedure in the District and Supreme Courts --

75. An Act authorizing the County of Yuma to issue bonds to raise money for the purpose of paying for a site for, and building a Court House and Jail, and

furnishing the same and ornamenting the grounds -- 76. An Act to regulate admission to the practice of law -- 77. An Act for the relief of George W. Rood -- 78.

An Act defining the powers of the several District Courts of the Territory of Arizona in reference to the care, treatment and control of dependent, neglected,

incorrigible and delinquent children under the age of sixteen (16) years, and providing for the means by which such powers may be exercised -- 79. An Act to

regulate homesteads and exemptions -- 80. An Act to amend Section 2, of Act No. 10, of the Twenty-second Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona,

entitled "An Act Granting to Incorporated Cities and Towns Certain Powers and Privileges in Addition to Those Already Vested in Them by Charter or General Laws

of This Territory" -- 81. An Act to amend Paragraph 3788, Title 58, Revised Statutes of the Territory of Arizona, 1901, relating to public printing -- 82. An

Act relating to foreign insurance companies -- 83. An Act to provide for the increase of the salary of the Superintendent of the Territorial Asylum for the

Insane -- 84. An Act to amend Section 10, of Chapter 1, Title 39, of the Revised Statutes of the Territory of Arizona of 1901 -- 85. An Act to define the effect

of Paragraph 809 of the Civil Code -- 86. An Act to amend Section 5, of Chapter 64, of the Acts of the Twenty-third Legislative Assembly of Arizona, entitled
"An Act to Create and Establish an Institution to Be Known as the Arizona Territorial Fair," approved March 16, 1905 -- 87. An Act making an appropriation for a

public school house in School District No. 38, Graham County -- 88. An Act entitled "An Act Authorizing the Consolidation of school Districts" -- 89. An Act to

amend Section 65, Chapter 51, of the Session Laws of 1905, relating to brands -- 90. An Act to fix and define the charges for mileage by Sheriffs and other

peace officers -- 91. An Act to amend Subdivision 3, of Paragraph 2445 (Sec. 2), Subdivision 1, of Paragraph 2450 (Sec. 7), and Paragraph 2466 (Sec. 23), of

Title 21, of the Revised Statutes of the Territory of Arizona of 1901, entitled Eminent Domain -- 92. An Act to encourage the development and storage of water
for the purpose of generating and transmitting electric power within the Territory of Arizona -- 93. An Act for the collection of taxes on transient herds of

sheep and goats -- 94. An Act to repeal Paragraphs 575, 576, 577, 578, 579 and 580 of Chapter 9, of Title 11, of the Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1901, entitled

"Cities and Towns" -- 95. An Act to amend Paragraphs 3967, 3973, 3974, 3975, 3976 and 3977 of the Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1901, relating to roads and

highways -- 96. An Act to amend Paragraph 139, Revised Statutes of Arizona of 1901, concerning the Bank Comptroller and to add certain sections to the laws

relating to banks -- 97. An Act providing for the removal of the Territorial Prison from Yuma to Florence -- 98. An Act entitled "An Act Providing for the

Incorporation of Cities and Towns" -- 99. An Act relating to the sale of goods -- 100. An Act to provide for the maintenance of the Territorial institutions
and appropriating specific sums of money therefor in lieu of the fixed tax levies heretofore required to be made by the Territorial Board of Equalization for

such purposes -- 101. An Act to provide for improvements at the Territorial institutions -- 102. An Act making appropriations for the current and contingent
expenses of the civil government of the Territory of Arizona for the two fiscal years ending June 30, 1908, and June 30, 1909, and other purposes -- MEMORIALS

-- 1. Memorial, to the Senate and House of Representatives, asking for an increase in the compensation of members of the Legislative Assembly -- 2. Memorial, to

the Senate and House of Representatives, asking for an appropriation of $200.000 for controlling the flood waters of the Gila river in Graham County -- 3.

Memorial, to the Senate and House of Representatives, asking for an appropriation of $15,000 for legislative expenses -- 4. Memorial, to the President and

Secretary of the Interior, in reference to drift fences between Arizona and Mexico -- 5. Memorial, to the Senate and House of Representatives, asKing for an

appropriation of $150.000 for completing the Capitol Building -- 6. Memorial, to the President and Secretary of the Interior, relating to the construction of

the San Carlos Reservoir -- 7. Memorial, to the Senate and House of Representatives, asking for an appropriation of $5,000 to be expended in the restoration and

preservation of San Xavier Mission Building, near Tucson, Arizona -- 8. Memorial, to the Senate and House of Representatives, requesting that an Act be passed

by Congress authorizing the city of Phoenix to issue bonds for the purpose of funding and paying certain warrants with the interest thereon -- JOINT RESOLUTIONS

-- 1. Joint Resolution, providing for the appointment of clerks and attaches -- 2. Joint Resolution, providing for the appointment of committees to visit the

Territorial public institutions, and appropriating $800 for expenses of said committees -- 3. Joint Resolutio, inviting the President to be present at the
unveiling of the "Captain O'Neill Rough Rider Monument" -- 4. Joint Resolution, authorizing the Board of Curators of the Territorial Library to rebind the

histories of Arizona now in the Territorial Library, and to purchase other histories and historical matter relating to Arizona -- 5. Concurrent Resolution,

authorizing the Board of Supervisors of Gila County to have inscribed in panel at main entrance to Court House the words, "Samuel A. Haught, Member of House of





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Session Laws of Arizona Territory


320 p.









Arizona, “Session Laws of the Territory of Arizona, 1907,” Cracchiolo Law Library Digital Collections, accessed May 8, 2024,

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