Paul Hadley, also known as William Estaver, was convicted of the murder of Anna Johnson in May 1922. At the...
Raul H. Castro, was born June 12, 1916, in Cananea, Sonora, Mexico. Castro was an alumnus of the University of...
A collection of digitized Arizona Law alumni photographs. The majority of this collection was digitized in 2014.
The final day of arguments in the U.S. Senate during a mock impeachment trial of Abraham Lincoln. Four fictional articles of impeachment concern…
Portrait of Judge Thomas Tang, undated. Glossy, black & white.
Portrait of Judge Thomas Tang, 1977. Glossy, black & white.
Portrait of Judge Thomas Tang, 1964. Glossy, black & white.
Portrait of Judge Thomas Tang's father, Shing Tang, and his wife, 1946. Glossy, black & white.
Portrait of Thomas Tang's wife, Pearl Tang, undated. Glossy, black & white.
Judge Thomas Tang posing for group photograph at Dan Lawton's, Tang's law clerk, Swearing-In Ceremony, 1987. Glossy, color.
Judge Thomas Tang pictured at the Administration of Oath Ceremony for the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, 1977. Glossy, color.